Sunday, October 28, 2018

Oct 29- Nov 4

Monday Oct. 29: In the Theatre

3:35 - Full Cast Music rehearsal Act I & II: All group music Off book4:10 - Review Act 1 Finale blocking (#s 34 - 39)
4:40 - Cinderella, Baker's Wife, Cinderella's Prince & Steward (# 20: Cinderella Coming from the Palace)
5:00 - Cinderella & Baker's Wife - blocking with Ms. Engel
Witch & Rapunzel - music with Ms. Stegmaier
5:30 - Witch & Rapunzel - blocking (focus on Our World & Stay With Me)
6:00 - End of Rehearsal

Thursday AM: In the Choir room

7:30 - Your Fault (add Witch at 7:45)
7:45 - Act II Opening Parts 1 - 9 (All Principles in this scene)
8:30 - End of Rehearsal

Sunday Nov. 4: In the Theatre

12:00 - Cinderella & Little Red (#65 No One Is Alone Part 1)
12:20 - Add Baker & Jack (#66 No One Is Alone Part 2)
12:40 - Add Witch (#'s 59 & 60 Underscore and Your Fault
1:20 - Princes: Agony & Reprise
2:00 - Narrator - blocking with Ms. Engel
Stepmother & Stepsisters - music with Ms. Stegmaier
2:30 - Narrator - music with Ms. Stegmaier
Stepmother & Stepsisters - blocking with Ms. Engel
3:00 - Act II Opening Parts 1 - 9 (All Principles in scene)
4:00 - Act II #'s 51 - 53 Giant Scenes (All Principles in scene)
5:00 - Dinner Break
5:30 - Act II Finale Parts 1 - 4 Full Cast
7:00 - End of Rehearsal

Saturday, October 20, 2018

What is happening in the wood?

Community or Not Community?

Due in Two Weeks: November 5, 2018 before midnight.

When the characters in Into the Woods are choosing someone to sacrifice to the Giant, the suggestion is made that the blind stepsisters should be sacrificed because of their physical disability. What does this tell about what is happening to the community? What events in world history does this kind of thinking reflect?

We are so proud of your conversations!  Your thoughts are insightful and your honouring each other's voices with so much respect.  Just as a reminder, here is our Conversation Rubric:

25/25 - Form your own comment and respond to at least two other peer's comments.
20/25 - Form your own comment and respond to one other peer's comments.
15/25 - Form your own comment but fail to engage with peers.
10/25 - Form you own comment but minimal effort is given.
0/25 - No comment is written

Oct 22-26 Rehearsals

Monday Oct. 22: 

*If your character is listed in the schedule be prepared to work on blocking for any of your scenes.

3:35 - Full Cast Music Review in Theatre: All Full Cast Songs Act 1 & 2 Off Book4:10 - Act 1 Finale Part 4 blocking (Full Cast)
4:40 - Baker, Baker's Wife, Jack, Jack's Mom & Cow
5:00 - Cinderella and Baker's Wife: focus on A Very Nice Prince & Reprise
5:30 - Cinderella: focus on On the Steps of the Palace
6:00 - End of Rehearsal

Thursday AM: all in the choir/band room area

7:30 - Grandmother/Cinderella's Mother: all music (Baker and Mysterious Man with Ms. Engel working on the blocking)
8:00 - Baker and Mysterious Man: No More (Grandmother and CM working on blocking with Ms. Engel)
8:30 - End of Rehearsal

Friday Oct. 26:

3:35 - Full Cast Music Review in Theatre: All Full Cast Songs Act 1 & 2 Off Book4:10 - Review blocking: Act 1 Finale Part 4 (Full Cast)
4:30 - Second Midnight blocking 4:50 - Cinderella, Jack, & Little Red: Alternate ending to On the Steps of the Palace (#33a)
5:00 - Baker's Wife & Cinderella's Prince: focus on Any Moment (Part 1 & 2)
5:40 - Baker's Wife: focus on Moments in the Woods
6:00 End of Rehearsal

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Sunday Rehearsal Schedule


Please arrive 10 minutes prior of the time posted and know that we might go over the end time posted by at the most 10-15 minutes. 

You will notice that we have times per person or small group.  Bring a pencil and also come with this scene(s) memorized.

12:00-1:00  Hello, Little Girl and Grandmother's House (Kira, Sabrina, Lindsy)
 1:00- 2:00 Agony and Agony Reprise (Brandon and Ryan)
 1:45-2:45 All the scenes you are in (Stepmother, Florinda, Lucina without Cinderella Blocking)
 2:00-2:45 Narrator (Solo work with Ms. S)
2:45-4:00 Rupunzel and Witch (Blocking as much as we can all scenes until we run out of time)
4:00-5:00 Baker's Wife and Jack's Mother (This might not take the hour)

When we are finished with your time (add 10 minutes just in case we need it) then you are free to go.
Please arrive 10 prior to time set.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Sorry for the late post - Oct 15-21

Monday Oct. 15:

3:35 - Cinderella, Jack, Red Riding Hood: Act 1 #33a, Alternate ending "On the Steps of the Palace"
3:45 - Your Fault music review (all Principles)
4:00 - Continue blocking Act 1 in theatre

4:00 - Cinderella at the Grave
4:20 - Review Hello Little Girl, and begin blocking Underscore that follows (#s 11 & 12)
5:00 - Alternate ending to On the Steps of the Palace (#33a)
5:20 - A Very Nice Prince & Reprise (#s 21 & 27)
5:40 - On the Steps of the Palace (just Cinderella)
6:00 - End of Rehearsal

Ms. Stegmaier to do music review with the following characters (Choir room):

4:00 - Rapunzel & Witch: Our World
4:20 - Cinderella's Mother: All songs
4:40 - Back to theatre

Thursday AM, Oct. 18:

7:30 - Princes: Agony & Agony Reprise
8:00 - No One Is Alone Part 2 (all Principles)
Review Your Fault, if time (sans Witch, or last 5 minutes of rehearsal if possible)
8:30 - End of Rehearsal

Friday Oct. 19: No Rehearsal - Sunday rehearsals begin this week

Sunday Oct. 21 (12:00 - 6:00): Act 1 Blocking in Theatre

12:00 - Baker: Baker's Reprise (# 16, )
12:20 - Add Baker's Wife: Maybe They're Magic & It Takes Two (#s 14 & 28)
1:00 - Add Jack: Giants in the Sky (# 23)
1:20 - I Guess This is Goodbye & Cow Death (#s 13 & 29)
2:00 - Add Princes: Agony (# 25)
2:20 - Add Witch: Fanfares (# 24)
2:40 - Second Midnight (# 30): Add remaining characters in the scene 
3:00 - Finale Parts 1 - 3 (#s 36. 37 & 38): Add remaining chracters in the scene
3:40 - Add Full Cast: Finale Part 4 (# 39)
4:00 - First Midnight (# 22)
4:20 - Review Full Opening Parts 1 - 9
5:00 - Full Cast Released: Underscore (#34)
5:20 - The Potion (# 35)
5:40 - Cinderella Coming From the Ball (#20)
6:00 - End of Rehearsal

*Please read the schedule carefully and arrive at least 5 to 10 minutes before you are needed on the schedule so we are able to start each scene on time as planned. 

Monday, October 8, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving and this weeks schedule

Monday Oct. 7 - No Rehearsal (Thanksgiving)

Thursday Oct. 11 (AM):

7:30 - Act II, Scene 1: Full Opening Parts 1 - 9 (all Principles)
8:30 - End of Rehearsal

Friday Oct. 12:

3:35 - Baker and Mysterious Man: No More (Act II)
3:55 - Full Cast Pair Share/Warm Up
4:15 - Review all Full Cast Music Act I & II: Opening Part 8 & 9, First Midnight, Second Midnight, Act I Finale Part 4, Act II Finale Parts 3 & 4 *Working towards being off-book/memorized
5:00 - Continue blocking entrances/exits for Act I
6:00 - End of Rehearsal

* Please read the schedule carefully and be on time for rehearsals. You are responsible for knowing which songs and scenes your character is in. "Principles" refers to the soloists in that song/scene.